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Sachin Patil
U. A. Athavankar
Indian Institute of Technology

Ringside view of the mental imagery
experiences of a design team.

Though newer technologies have allowed instant communication and connectivity of people across the globe, with global time differences, it is not always possible for the members to remain connected On-line. Besides, such team communications do not appear to share rich mental imagery that most team members individually experience in the interaction.
This pilot study simulates the task of conceptualising a social awareness film, where the designers are linked electronically, On-line as well as Off-line, to focus on the difficulties that Off-line designer would face in interacting with the team. The results show how Off-line designer copes up with the situation by filling-in missing details to complete his own image experiences, using contextual information, cultural stereotypes and even personal fantasies. The paper shows, how latter two create specific problems in the team interaction, particularly when the teams are global and due to time differences, some of the members are connected Off-line.

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