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Patrick Reinmoeller
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

(Research & Development)
Design: Innovation strategies for the knowledge economy

At the turn of the millennium a new economy establishing itself, it is also called the knowledge economy. Knowledge has become the only meaningful resource to build and sustainable competitive advantage. Companies need to access relevant knowledge, create new knowledge, protect knowledge and dispose of old knowledge faster and better. This is seen as the domain of knowledge work in science, technology and research and development (R&D) departments. However the old strategies that focus either on research or on development experience decreasing returns.
Theories of the new economy emphasize the stimulus for growth that is provided by increasing returns on knowledge. Management theory had long focused on operational efficiency. However following the standard strategies for operations, such as increasing output, reducing input and time result in decreasing returns. Even additional investments in advertising reap less and less market share. Under such conditions, strategy begins to emphasize the creation of value and new interfaces with markets. Different knowledge strategies have emerged over time. Some companies focus on research.

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