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Tevfik Balcioglu
Kent Institute of Art & Design

Research, knowledge and doctorate programs:
towards the third domain

Research has been the key issue in higher education. The demand for research degrees has increased considerably. Practising artists and designers have been amongst those seeking advanced research degrees. Under this rising pressure, the concept of research has been subjected to scrutiny. The basic principle of doctorate programs, i.e. ‘contributing to knowledge’ raised the question of what ‘knowledge is’. Artists’ and designers’ argument that the practice is also a source of generating knowledge instigated the debate. The concept of art-knowledge and design-knowledge is being formulated as opposed to a conventional understanding of knowledge. The paper argues that ‘personal knowledge’ and consensus-based knowledge are appropriate to art and design theory and practice. The premise as such, may help to define the territories of science, art and design within the context of research, out of which three interrelated domains may emerge. Design as a domain in its own right, is becoming a convincing argument. The ongoing discussion is also reflected on MPhil/PhD programs and practice based doctorates are welcome. Within the scope of this recent debate, the paper argues that doctorate level should be composed of two equal research degrees, existing PhD programs mostly serving for the advancement of academic research and the theoretical aspects of the discipline, and Professional Doctorates undertaking mostly practical research for the advancement of the profession and application of research in industry.

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