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Stephanie Yoffee
Indipendent Researcher

A Basis for the establishment of a
United States National design organization:
the United States design alliance

This paper is the outcome of research over a two-year period on the foundation and feasibility for a United States Design Organization to represent American design on a national level. Since 1989, there have been many efforts to establish a national design organization for the United States by American design professionals both inside and outside the United States federal government. These efforts include a conference of design professionals in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1993 during the transition period of the Clinton Administration1, in 1994 within the U.S. Department of Commerce2, (appendix B) and in 1994 with the recommendations made by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Design Program3 (appendix C). There are numerous factors influencing the current state of these efforts, and previous attempts, although unsuccessful, are certainly evidence that a recognizable and influential constituency for a national design organization exists. The debate surrounding the activities of the NEA and subsequent 40 percent congressional budget cut in 1996 have been significant setbacks to these efforts. However, these recent events have raised significant issues regarding the value and importance of design in American society and what efforts are now necessary to further the understanding of design in the United States. In order to present the basis for continuing the efforts toward the establishment of a national design organization, a history of the modes of thought in design is discussed along with the formulation and analysis of a definition of design for a United States design organization, to be called The United States Design Alliance. The concept and necessity for design policy, currently not completely understood among professional designers, is presented and analyzed using several recent examples of design projects illustrating some of these obstacles. An exploration of design policy is

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