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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Oscar Salinas Flores
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México

Research and design in Mexico

Mexico is a country living under a capitalist system where large contrasts prevail. Our development has always been typified by historical events linked to a mistrust of everything encroaching from abroad. Mexico debates whether to become a developed country necessarily to world trends, or to remain a country that clings to its traditions and lifestyles. When talking about research and design, we have to go back to the type or development we suffer and our industrialization process. Today universities are forced to redefine its profile of graduates, increasing their professional capability. The concept of innovation no longer focuses exclusively on the capacity to create a new product, but also, and mainly on having the capacity to generate creative strategies to defeat the intense domestic and international competition.

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