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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Maristela Mitsuko Ono
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Paraná - Brazil

Design and globalization: the role of designer facing questions of cultural diversity

This article discusses the role of the designer facing questions of cultural diversity. It analyses the function and cultural dimension of the objects, and discusses the role of design in relation to the symbolical, practical and technical functions of products. Moreover, it refers to the influences of imported products and conceptual design in the creation of wishes, the paradox of cost in the diversification of product design, and the tendencies to individualization, global standardization and hybridism in industrial design. In this sense, it emphasizes the importance that the professional standing of designers prioritizes the search for opportunities of emancipation, self-organization and self-realization, considering, on one hand, the capitalistic system which main objective is profit and capital expansion, and, on the other, the globalization process where the forces of standardization and cultural diversity paradoxically coexist. It therefore considers the designer as (1) an important mediator between the material constructions, the practical and the symbolical universe of individuals and societies and (2) as co-responsible for the preservation of identities and cultural heritages of mankind.

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