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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Vincenzo Cristallo
Alfonso Morone
Marina Parente

Università di Napoli

The technical productive dimension and the social cultural dimension of industrial design in the peripheral economic context, prospects, limits and resources.

Our intervention wants to illustrate a way of using the resources of industrial design for peripheral economic contexts which are normally excluded from the classical culture of industrial design applied to highly developed societies.
According to a diffused perception the industrial design which belongs to the "periphery" definition is associated to a reality which is not planned, without a project but above all it doesn't have the prospect to contribute to the improvement of the society.
From a research concerning a definition of industrial design for marginal and peripheral areas, we have obtained the knowledge of the application limits of design how it is today commonly understood to different realities also distant for tradition and resources. A panorama which includes the changed cultural condition, which, in its' new dynamic evolution, symbolizes new and alternate project and consumption scenarios.
The picture in which the examined procedures took place, is that of the highly complicated nowadays situation; defined by the mixture of worldliness, information procedures and localism.
Starting from these observations and referring them, for example, to the productive system of the south of Italy, we intend to symbolize a formative base, with the finality to define new professional profiles, that express a possibility to position the design system, in the precincts of a vaster territory which we can indicate as THE SOUTH OF THE WORLD.

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