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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Naz Evyapan
Kent Institute of Art & Design

The Design Research Process as Interdisciplinary, Interactive and Self-Developing: Theoretical Formulations in Designing Toys for Visually Impaired Pre-school Children

Research in design requires careful consideration into the process that shapes it. The research described in the paper is on designing toys for a specific user group: blind / visually impaired pre-school children. The research is introduced as an interdisciplinary, interactive and a self-developing process and this nature of the process is illustrated with theoretical formulations devised in dealing with the requirements of the user group and specific target at hand. The paper is concluded with the introduction of a learning toy, which offers explorative activities of the hand, adding on complexity to its task according to the developmental stage of the child.

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