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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Gianfrancesco Biggioggero
Mario Fontana

Politecnico di Milano

A methodic approach to furniture design

The objective of the paper is to highlight the contents of methodic design applied to furniture as a discipline that promotes the switch from an unconscious to a conscious and effective design approach. Methodic design aims to foster designers ability, promote a full understanding of the state of the art, fuel creativity, develop a systematic analysis and a methodic choices selection path. The methodic analysis introduced into furniture design by research and didactics builds an overall insight of the problem and eliminates preconceived ideas due to a blinker approach; solution is achieved as a systematic convergence of different expertise.
“Design is neither form alone nor function alone but an aesthetic synthesis of the two.”
[F. A. Porsche]

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