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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Tie Ji
Hunan University, P.R.China
Bing Zhang
Technology University of Delft. The Netherlands

Fundamental research about
chinese characters in visual design

The Philological study of Chinese is an enchanting subject. The aesthetic creation of Chinese characters established the foundation of Chinese aesthetic sensation as well. From the view point of culture conformity, focusing on various ties between Chinese characters, this paper not only revealed the occurred and developing rules of Chinese characters shape systematically but explained the moulding and maintaining system in depth at the nature of Chinese characters' unique visual shape. And on the other hand, the digital age has forever changed the visual landscape of graphic design. As technology develops constantly, the full potential of digital typography grows exponentially. It has enabled the designers to try more ideas more quickly, and produce more complex and personalised solutions. Rules have been changed, so we should find new and reasonable principles to control our design process. A new Chinese characters design and analyse model in the end of this paper can be found.

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