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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Caroline Hummels
Kees Overbeeke

Delft University of Technology

Actions speak louder than words: shifting from buttons and icons to aesthetics of interaction

Digital products are generally controlled by buttons and icons, which places an emphasis on the user's cognitive skills. We propose to take respect for the user as a whole as a starting point, including his perceptual-motor and emotional skills. Designers should create a context for experience, rather than a product. Aesthetical interaction becomes the central theme. As designing becomes contextual, research should be contextual too. To realise conditional laws, we believe that design research has to become research through design. We examplify with work from our own research and teaching, how to study contextual and experiential design.

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