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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Marina Garone Gravier
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Elaboration of a typographical letter style torepresent indigenous languages (case study for the Otomí / Ñhañhu language)

The process of acquiring a system of writing in a culture that originally had no alphabet is a fertile field for multidisciplinary research. This study concerns a pre-Hispanic culture of Mexico, the Otomí. Through the analysis of different written source material from the colonial time to the present, problems are detected that have resulted from changes in notation, and new methodological guidelines are thus proposed for the development of a font that contains the signs (practical and phonetic) for the representation of the language.
”he who has not undertaken painstaking work in knowing the characters of the language, will be poor in intelligence: poor in efforts to write with purity: poor in efforts to speak it: poor in what he wishes to understand”
Luces del otomí, p. 84, 1893.

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