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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Lina Bonapace
Ergosolutions – consultants in design and ergonomics

Pleasure-based human factors and the
SEQUAM: sensorial quality assessment method

Product design today calls for special attention to the quality of the sensations perceived by the end users while using consumer products. There is an increasing interest in the issue of 'pleasure-based' approaches to human factors in product design. Such approaches go beyond usability to look at the relationships between people and products in a more holistic manner. The author discusses an ergonomic design method: Sequam - the Sensorial Quality Assessment Method, as a means of exploring and verifying user-product interface with the objective of generating data for design purposes in order to increase the level of pleasure experienced when using products.

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