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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale
Peter Hohmann
Hitachi Design Centre Europe
Wolfgang Jonas
Hochschule für Kunst und Design

Design scenario building:
an integrative process model for projective design tasks

The paper presents a 3-months joint project of a design school and a design depart-ment of a multinational company. The subject question referred to possible / probable / desirable forms and devices of human / social communication in a time horizon of 10 - 15 years from now, explicitly considering the aspect of uncertainty related to this problem. The methodical questions dealt with the usefulness and adaptability of the concepts of scenario-thinking, stemming from policy-making and strategic planning, for applications in design education / practice / research. The approach integrated the large span from macro-environ-men-tal contexts via service fields down to the micro-level of products and use. Further questions referred to design education, forms of co-operation between education and business, and future fields of pro-ject-driven re-search. The experiment provided positive answers as to the usefulness and integrative poten-tial of scena-rio-approaches in design and as to deficits and necessary modifications and developments.

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