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rivista on linestrumenti per la ricercadottorato di ricerca in Disegno Inustriale e Comunicazione Multimediale

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    1985 Action science: concepts, methods and skills for research and intervention. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.

    Barbour, R.S., and Kitzinger, J. (Editors)
    1999 Developing focus group research: politics, theory and practice. London: Sage Publications.

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    1982. What to study: generating and developing research questions. Beverly Hills: Sage.

    Chamala, S., and Keith, K. (Editors)
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    Checkland, P., and Holwell, S.
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    1999 Action research: a pathway to action, knowledge and learning. Melbourne: RMIT University Press.

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    Denzin, N.K., and Lincoln, Y.S. (Editors)
    2000 Handbook of qualitative research. Second edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

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    Elliott, C.
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    Feibelman, Peter J.
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    1998 Teaching and learning through critical reflective practice. London: David Fulton.

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    1998 Doing grounded theory: issues and discussions. Mill Valley, California: Sociology Press.

    Glesne, C.
    1999 Becoming qualitative researchers: an introduction. Second edition. New York: Longman.

    Greenwood, D., and Levin, M.
    1998 Introduction to action research: social research for social change. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

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    1987 The theory of communicative action, volume 2: the critique of functionalist reason. Oxford: Polity Press.

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    Hubbard, R.S., and Power, B.M.
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    Kirk, J., and Miller, M.L.
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    1995. Handbook for Academic Authors. 3rd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

    Marquardt, M.J.
    1999 Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning. Palo Alto, California: Davis-Black.

    McNair, R.H. (Editor)
    1998 Research strategies for community practice. New York: The Haworth Press.

    Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M.
    1994 Qualitative data analysis: an expanded sourcebook. Second edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

    Mills, G.E.
    2000 Action research: a guide for the teacher researcher. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill.

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    Moustakas, C.
    1990 Heuristic research: design, methodology, and applications. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

    Mulvaney, Nancy C.
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    1990 Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Second edition. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications.

    Peters, Robert L.
    1997. Getting What You Came For. The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or Ph.D. New York: The Noonday Press.

    Phillips, Estell M. and Derek S. Pugh.
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    Powell, Walter W.
    1985. Getting into Print: The Decision-Making Process in Scholarly Publishing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    Raelin, J.A.
    2000 Work-based learning: the new frontier of management development. Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

    Revans, R.W.
    1983 The ABC of action learning: empowering managers to act and to learn from action. Third edition. London: Lemos & Crane.

    Robson, Colin.
    1993. Real World Research. A resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers. Oxford: Blackwell.

    Rothwell, W.J.
    1999 The action learning guidebook: a real-time strategy for problem solving training design and employee development. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

    Sagor, R.

    2000 Guiding school improvement with action research. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Sarkissian, W., and Perlgut, D. (editors)
    1994 The community participation handbook: resources for public involvement in the planning process, second edition. Perth: Murdoch University, Institute for Science and Technology Policy.

    Silverman, Franklin.
    1999. Publishing for Tenure and Beyond. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

    Smith, S.E. and Willms, D.G., with Johnson, N.A. (Editors)
    1997 Nurtured by knowledge: learning to do participatory action-research. New York: Apex.

    Stake, Robert E.
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    Strauss, A., and Corbin, J. (Editors)
    1997 Grounded theory in practice. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

    Strauss, A., and Corbin, J.
    1998 Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Second edition. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

    Taylor, S.J., and Bogdan, R.
    1998 Introduction to qualitative research methods: a guidebook and resource. Third edition. New York: Wiley.

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    Wadsworth, Y.
    1984 Do it yourself social research. Melbourne: Victorian Council of Social Service and Melbourne Family Care Association.

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    Whyte, W.F.
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    Zuber-Skerritt, O.
    1996 New directions in action research. London: Falmer.


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